WEEK 24 | Skin in the Game


I've missed quite a few weeks writing here, but it's not because I haven't been writing.  Quite the contrary.  I'm actually in the process of writing a book which is taking my focus elsewhere most days.  But I wanted to briefly share something God has ministered to me this week from the Word.  Today, I read from Proverbs 14 and verse 4 stood out to me. 

"Without oxen a stable stays clean,
but you need a strong ox for a large harvest" (Prov. 14:4). 

Now my interpretation of that was pretty much "get some skin in the game".  Some take the summer off, but I see this as a charge to keep plowing, to keep raising up that dream and prepare yourself for the harvest.  In other words, rely on the Lord and the strength He promises when we take up His yoke (Matthew 11:30).  I feel led to use this time to press into the final stages of preparing before the harvest.   This verse was something I needed to hear.  It's one thing to live your life neat and tidy, but it's a whole other to get down to work.  I know there is a time for prayer and waiting, but I also know there's a time to work and take action.  And Proverbs 6:6-8 ties in very nicely because it states,

"Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise!
It has no commander, no overseer or ruler,
yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest."

June 21 is the first day of summer this year.  This gives us all one week to come up with some sort of summer strategy or plan of attack to get going, keep preparing for the harvest, positioning yourself to reap the benefits of all your labor.  All the tears you have cried while pouring into the work, God has seen and collected them all.   He will use them to water the soil of those dream seeds you've planted and prayed over.  He knows all you've invested and He knows the cost.  He knows the sacrifice and late nights that have gone unnoticed and the dues you've paid.  He's heard your utterings, "Something's gotta give."  This Proverb spoke to me that it's about time to reap the reward and to step into your Promised Land.  

I read that oxen aren't born, they're made.  A steer becomes an ox after it reaches the age of 4.  Have you been practicing, praying and waiting on something for years?  I'm here to reiterate, it's time.  It's time to get ready for all that lies ahead.  God is about to birth the dream, the vision He put in your heart long ago.  That thing you didn't give up on.  That promise you've been waiting on.  He will unveil all He's been orchestrating behind the scenes, soon.  I'm so proud of you for getting the stable dirty, for getting your elbows covered in grease.  Rest assured, all the hard work and perseverance is about to pay off! 
Lord, prepare our hearts.